Monthly Archive: March, 2012

False Flags and Psy Ops

As plans to invade Iran, conveniently the world’s third largest reserve of oil, come to a head (see attached link for uncanny links to recent invasions of certain “rogue-nations”), I thought it pertinent… Continue reading

Songs for Advertising: Sounds for the Musical Graveyard

New rule. Anyone who uses a song for a commercial is no longer allowed air-time for that song on public radio…EVER AGAIN. Let’s see how the marketing people take this blow, hmmm, we… Continue reading

Bill Hicks – A True Visionary

A philosopher with the heart of a poet or a lover, the spirited anger of a raging tyrant and a streak of heart-felt optimism rarely found in the most religious of men; Bill… Continue reading

Buy a Bum a Book – Change a Life

Ideas are the most powerful forces in the universe. The very idea of man has created the world around us today and how we see that world depends on certain contingent factors that… Continue reading

Medication for Depression – The Fraud

Finally, documented proof that anti-depressants don’t work. Take mushrooms and meditate!